Friday, December 14, 2007

Republican? Democrat? Is there a difference?

Okay, here's the problem with a two party system. Given enough time, you have identical parties with different histories. Sure, each one use to have their own identity. Now, I'm not as sure about that. Disagree? Okay, answer the following question...

Which one is the "big government" party?

Ha, stumped you. No one has claim to that anymore. The "big government" party is which ever party is in charge. The results are the same.

So, you're asking, who do you like for president? Will you vote democrat or republican? Depends on who is running. If it's between Giuliani and Obama, I'll vote Obama. If it's between Clinton and Huckabee, I'll vote Huckabee. The party is irrelevant. On some subjects, I'm extremely conservative. On other subjects, I'm extremely liberal. So saying Huckabee is more conservative then Giuliani, or that Obama is more Left than Clinton is irrelevant. Whichever candidate hits on the correct side of enough of the issues I'm concerned about, I'll vote for that candidate. If Huckabee thinks correctly (that is, agrees with me) on 20 issues that I really don't care much about, but Obama is correct (once again, agrees with me) on three issues I'm passionate about, Obama would get my vote.

Say what you want, I think voting party line went out with "I Like Ike", or at least, should have.